Friday, June 10, 2011

Day 17... & Tracy Anderson

Today, well...

I worked out.  So, I guess I'll talk about my fitness inspiration...  The lovely, the beautiful, the so-in-shape-and-hot-it-makes-me-sick Tracy Anderson! (T.A. for short, ok?)

First off, I like exercise videos.  As stupid and nonsensical as it sounds, sometimes I am too lazy to leave the house and work out.  Ok, maybe lazy is too harsh, but listen, I have a point.  Going to the gym requires getting in my car, driving, parking, walking to the desk, walking to the locker, getting my water...  a lot of steps!  And a lot of time - all that takes about 20 minutes.  If I stayed home, I would be 20 minutes into the work out.  And, well, going out for a run is good but sometimes it's too hot, too cold, too wet, too... outside-ish.  So, a good work out at home is a nice thing when I have no time or no energy to battle the natural elements.  I have a couple videos that I like, but nothing that ever really "fit" with me.  I wanted something interesting, that didn't get too old, that made me feel good and that complimented my lifestyle.  And, well, T.A. met those things.

How did I meet her?  Some silly article from Gweneth Paltrow explaining her amazing trainer - she has core strengthening, plus cardio dancing.  It's hard, but you get results quick.  Blah, Blah, Blah.  (That is a link to Gweneth's website Goop where you can hear from her, first hand).  I though, well, why not?  It works for her, why not a tiny bit for me?  So, I bought a few DVDs and, well, I guess I like them.  Well, at least one of them.  What I own is her Mat Video and a Dance Cardio DVD.  You are supposed to do one with the other (a total of 2 hours but, who has 2 hours except if you are a high-paid celebrity?).  I tried to do the Dance DVD, but my two left feet cannot hang.  I could do it if I were more motivated and driven, but I usually say "forget it" and go for a run.  The video is fun and is done so "anyone can do it" - it has a step-by-step lesson of the dance, and then you dance with her for 10 minutes.  Then, after that dance, there is another dance that you learn and then you do it with her.  I think there are 5 dances all together?  So 50 minutes of dancing all together.  I can imagine that if you do if for 6 months every other day it would get easy quick.  However, it took me forever to get the first one down,  and I really don't have time to sit and learn the others (remember, wedding?  17 days?).  Hey, the fact that I got one dance down is impressive since I am more often trip than hold rhythm!  

What I do love is the mat video.  Here is a little preview:

What do I like it? 
  • Her exercises are doable, she does not talk too much (which is annoying at first when you are learning and need more information, but which is nice after you get the hang of it and you still have to listen to her for the 30th time), and she makes you feel like you can be her.  
  • She is hot!  And it's nice to think that you can look like that too, one day, after many videos I guess.  
  • The Mat workout is 50 minutes, but it is broken up in different segments that never get long or boring.  So, once you get to the end, the time has flown by!  That is awesome since working out can be grueling sometimes.  Plus, after doing the video a bizillion times, it is nice that it still flies by.
  • She has a few arm workouts that help you get "ballerina arms".  She stresses strength without bulking, and that is exactly what I want.  No huge muscles, but toned arms.  And, well, admit it ladies, our arms are the easiest things to worry about once you start seeing wings.  A good arm workout is nice to have around!  That's a plus with this video.
  • The workouts are tough, but it gets easier.  That's how I know it is working, cause I can do and finish the workouts.  And then, I feel good after that I challenged my muscles (accessory muscles to T.A.) and completed the hard task.  Ahhh, the sense of accomplishment. 
  • I can cut the workouts up and do arms one day, legs another and so on.  However, because of the wedding, it is arms EVERYDAY
What I can't stand about her and what a lot of people complain about?
  • The girl can't count.  She'll do 10 repetitions on one side, and 30 on the other.  Hello?  So you have to learn to go on your own pace to even it out, to count for yourself and to not get frustrated.  It's not that big of a deal.  Really.
  • She flirts with the camera.  "Oh, look at me.  I'm super cute so I'll pout and bat my eyes at you".  I sware that's what it looks like she is thinking.   However, I have concluded that she does this because she is a little insecure with the camera.  She messes up sometimes and then smiles, coyly.  It's pretty human.  So, a little nervous smile makes her seem a little more "real".  (But, it can also make her seem a little annoying and conceited.)
  • She doesn't cue.  Which is annoying at first, but then you learn to live with it.  However, when your head is down and she stands back up without letting you know...  A little awkward and frustrating.   
So that is that.  This is what I do every day.  A little T.A., some cardio, and I better look nice in the wedding photos.  :)

1 comment:

Kari said...

all I gonna say is.... LOL - so cute TRACY! Zumba is coming your way. Maybe some TurboKick too.